Children Sexually active under the age of 10, child sexual abuse, pedophilia

Children sexually harassing eachother, cursing, provoking, into sexual behaviour and immorality
Such as gathering and sharing porn, playfully singing sexually immoral songs at playgrounds.

Even Younger Children age of 5 being bystander and becoming victimized, or targeted to further rape.Cases of children committing rape at age of 8 to 11,

It can be difficult for parents and social workers to oversee whether your child is sexually immoral at this age.
Children hide and lie about this, being embaresed and afraid.

Children sexually active under the age of 10
Happens more often than is being reported.

There are signs, that teachers and daycare workers, as well as parents
are not reporting on.

From my own experience, im talking as a child of 5 years old,
I recognize and clearly remember how aggressive sexual incentives
are formed, because of "soft tanned sexual posing" in commercials (etc) (as well as subliminal techniques applied in commercials.

Children, at the age of 5, are terrorized by such perversities at large scale.

Not knowing a thing about sex, feeling a need to be
sexual aroused at this age, with tendencies to perform
masturbation movements even thinking of humping without clear
cognitive reasoning as to why.
Having these incentives becoming more and more augmented

I'm not a slightest bit embaresed to come forward with this.

Children wouldn't just confess to their parents,
and to oversee the childs development whether and how
they are enveloping sexual incentives at this age,
what kind of thoughts and behaviours they are having
as they are hiding this.

From my own experience as a child, as well as from reports i
have read.

Children are having this and have to put up with this and this is very severe and people ought to know about this.


Because of children often being exposed to perversities
and being terrorized with incentives (demonized)

As they grow older;
They play with other children often they are vulgar making
jokes about perverse topics, sexually harrasing eachother.
sharing soft sexually tended content from magazines, So called
"Soft lewdness" (pornography)

Children at age of 8 having sexual fantasies about classmates
even rape fantasies.

There are various news report of children starting at age of 8
having raped another child, could be their siblings or classmates, victims as young as 5 years old.

(RT: Teen rapist who abused 2 kids for months walked free after just THREE WEEKS in jail
 Published time: 25 Dec, 2018 11:50 

(RT: Britain’s youngest rapist: 11yo pleads guilty to 15 sex attacks, 3 assaults
Published time: 27 Sep, 2016 13:32)

(RT: Afghan refugee accused of repeatedly raping 11yo in Germany could avoid trial as he was underage Published time: 20 Mar, 2019 17:35)

(RT: Migrant suspected in rape & murder of teen captured in Iraq after fleeing Germany
Published time: 8 Jun, 2018 15:49)

From my own experience as a child, as well as from reports i
have read.

I think not enough is being done to acknowledge the severities
of what im trying to describe here, taking preventive measures.

(RT: Children as young as five expelled from schools for sexual misconduct, charity warns
Published time: 9 Aug, 2017 09:11)

(RT: Underage sex now ‘normal part of growing up’ in Britain
Published time: 8 May, 2017 16:51)


Imagine a child at young age having sexually immoral fantasies about his classmates, growing older,
does his fantasies also mature, does he fantasise about others
of his or her own age as he/she grows older?

Porno graphy is generally seen as normal in western society,
and easily accessible, Japanese anime as example
crossing the boundaries of what is adult content and children
cartoons, they mixing them together and purposefully so poisoning the minds of children.
Its an industry aimed towards pedophiles. (which they call "fan service") (Insert anime image of sorts)

(RT: Porn as harmful as smoking, can lead to sexual violence,’ say British MPs
Published time: 23 Oct 2018 16:57)

(RT: Young girls groped, sexually insulted every day at school
Published time: 13 sept, 2016 15:54)

Magazines where woman show off their skinny usually photo edited
to increase to arousal of the photo's, also being subliminally
applied as a commercial advertisment technique.

Children provoking eachother  into sexual acts, trough bullying and even blackmailing.
Behaviour being learned from media such as japanese cartoons
animes, where rape is often depicted as not being a horrible thing, like
groping in public.


Its drugs to the mind at any age, Even if the child
is just 5 years old, at young age, 7 or 8 they start hoarding
whatever they can find to get aroused, they find out
about masturbation, from other children, sharing lewd materials, they
collect, get into sexual contact,
Get in serious danger being Sexually abused by:
older children,pedophile authority figures
that are suppose to protect them, which they are told to trust.
parents, teachers, police, daycare workers, medical professionals.
(There are many, MANY  reports on pedophile rings networks)

(Read The book Please Let Me Go By Caitlin SpencerBuy here on amazon Uk

(RT: Aussie cop jailed for using police database to look up Tinder dates
Published time: 2 Feb, 2019 15:26)

(RT: Major advertisers jump ship as YouTube hit with ‘softcore child porn’ scandal
Published time: 21 Feb, 2019 04:10)

(RT: Dating danger: Child sex exploitation on Tinder sparks outrage, but who’s to blame?
Video Click here
Published time: 13 Feb, 2019 08:51)

(RT: YouTube shuts down comments on videos with minors amid advertisers fleeing over ‘child porn’ scandal
Published time: 1 Mar, 2019 00:18


Children of non religious families being in severe danger,
As they are not explicitly told not to engage in sexual
acts, masturbation, and staying away from Perversion.
not checking in on their children, whether they are having sexual incentives,
thinking patterns or other signals of being abused.

I didn't have private access to the internet at the age of 11,
however in public where there where computers, children would
often bypass the adult content security protection of the computer and look it up anyway.
we would, look things up, and laugh at it.

My First sexual act was at the age of 8 and half with another
boy, several times, i also started masturbating at this age,
I was told this horrible lie that masturbating often would make you penis bigger at older age, things like that, i was a insecure child, i went with it.

When i was 6 or 7 a friend of mine was joking about showing
his genitals to the other children in class from under his desk,
i did the same.

we would share soft content perverse images, and talk
about perversities, talking about woman committing sexual acts.
I remember other children often mentioning a known pedophile
also living just a street away from school.

In my case, and can assume in the case of many children.
starting masturbation before the age of 11,
and when reaching the age of 11, having the hormonal changes
(too early)
having orgasms and playfully ejaculate at that age.
getting addicted and repeating the behaviour even 1 to 3 times
a day, not being noticed, and start developing severe sicknesses.

I remember at the age of 11 or 12 being exited to have a friend over
thinking sexual immoral, i didn't have many friends.

I can, imagine how mutch the addiction of perversions is a stronghold
to children of very young age that, when hitting puberty, have trouble enjoying
something else not stimulating the reward circuitry of the brain,
(such as normal studying, personal development, philosophia)
but Tv, Video Games, Social Problems, Eating Disorders: Obesity.
Destroying the natural developing of the brain towards a slave mind of sin.

(RT: Teenage boy becomes first to be treated on NHS for addiction to online gaming
Published time: 11 Jun, 2018 09:55)


Western science on sexuality is wicked, they do not acknowledge
the full damage to the mind, body and soul of people being sexually active.
However major scientific facts coming from eastern Chinese Sciences and
religions suggest the harmfulness of perversion and non chastisement such
as a male orgasm consisting of:
fluids from hippocampus, spinal fluid, blood cells, lymfo plasma, and bone marrow plasma,
as well as a huge amounts of bio magnetic electric life energy or ki, chi, prana, stored within the cells
that gets entirely lost trough out the day after a orgasm.

This is causing the brain to process thoughts slower, causing severe concentration problems, learning and studying disadvantages, getting more fatigued,
which are also programmed and wired throughout puberty especially within the reward circuitries,
which the child so depends on to study and release
stress. it causes Hormonal instabilities, psychiatric/psychologic instabilities,
anxieties, may even evoke personality disorders.

Please Read The Works From Man tak chia: Buy here on Amazon Uk

The psychology that refutes the evidence of the soul, actively going against religion.

University professors dispute these facts, they are wicked and evil.
These Eastern chinese science and Religious scientific facts are based on the study
of adults Not Children this young.
Neither are western sciences of sexuality based on children being sexually active this young.

I see children who misbehave
talking sexual harassment in public places like they can't
think of anything else any day like they are being demonized.
Consider the horrid and large amount of reports of children
raping eachother at these young ages.

Starting at puberty young children start having psychiatric
problems such as schizophrenia, which is biblically described as
torment. as well as various other problems coming symptoms, illnesses
that are entangled, Personality Disorders,
Severe Social Problems and personal development stagnations
That Come from children being sexually active during
puberty is largely ignored,
im talking Children ejaculating before going to school and before going to sleep daily, they underperforming.
Drugs may be prescribed,
however sexual immorality of the children isn't suggested
to be at fault or even considered to be at play,
often they aren't recognized and as such not punished and corrected by adults.

If its mentioned, it goes like this: Do you have orgasms or not?
if yes, your healthy, if not meds may be prescribed.


This is a demonic social structure led by filthy pedophiles in powerful places maintaining perversities in societies and sustaining pedophile networks at large.
(They act like they are taking enough action against this but clearly
under false pretenses, it seems to be a dog and pony show.
All cases the damage has already been done.

(RT - Child-buying sex abuser back on streets after parents win lottery
Published time: 10 Nov, 2018 13:48)

(RT - 900 suspected pedophiles arrested as ‘darknet’ child porn kingpin jailed for 30yrs
Published time: 6 May, 2017 03:28)

(RT - Paranormal activity spooks police interrogating mystic accused of hundreds of sexual assaults
Published time: 19 Dec, 2018 17:36)


According to the book i read of caitlin spencer - please let me go:

There are many pedophile rings in europe that consists of
people keeping normal jobs like taxi drivers, police officers
of whomever the police corps staff know whats up.

The book describes how she was raped in her own home
at the age of 14, having met the strange man for a photo shoot job,
she was raped there several times, when her mother thus later noticed,
they called police, the police told they have been long aware
of the criminals who run these pedophile networks and the individuals who buy
at these pedophile networks but refuse to take action.
And they are many, globally, because the victims who flee are easily found by
these criminal networks.

(RT: Leader of international child porn ring killed in prison fight
Published time: 6 Jan, 2019 05:30)

They pay people to keep these pedophile networks up,
and pay for security of key individuals such in this article
above, kill a pedophile ring leader in jail, presumably as
promised by the handlers as a and among the many fail safe guarantees, Its commerce with package insurance to them.

These groups usually consist of filthy arab muslims
Iss/Isis figures as wel as persians and indians.

Mujahideen "Islamist Afghan fighters in the Soviet–Afghan War, and now extends to other jihadist groups in various countries."

Read Soviet Afghan war Wikipedia:

Differentiating Sunni muslims from Shi'a.
Read: Mullah Wikipedia:
Read: Salafi movement, sunni islam:

From my blog, Read: Mohamed is a pedophile -
Islam Founded Upon Slavery, Child Pedophilia And Child Sacrifice.

The refusals to take sufficient action against these pedophile
slave trading human traffickers, these groups of filth,
ought to be known.

Reports of iss/isis gang members living in european apartments
having residency permits, selling woman and children as sex slaves in europe, being also largely active in refugee camps.

(RT: ‘ISIS & drugs everywhere’: Refugees face violence in notorious Moria camp, new doc shows
Published time: 13 Mar, 2019 20:04)

(RT: Gang shootings, rapes and no-go zones? Government blamed as Sweden battles crime wave
Published time: 5 Jul, 2018 14:06)

(RT: ‘It was a game to me’: Ex-porn star intel agent who became Islamist agitator sentenced in Germany
Published time: 19 Sep, 2017 20:52) 

As well as foreign illegal immigrants/migrants who are not being prosecuted;
with the most ridiculous excuses such as: because of not having a (ID(ssn)(bsn) number)) (RT - Reports :
(RT: Police in German town advised not to prosecute migrant offenders over petty crimes – media Published time: 28 Jan, 2016 15:24)
"Police in the German town of Kiel were told not to prosecute or arrest migrants for petty crimes, media have revealed. The instruction, which was filed weeks before the sexual harassment scandal in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, cited a lack of IDs among the migrants. "

(RT: France may set age of consent at 13 after man acquitted of raping 11yo
Published time: 14 Nov, 2017 05:51)

(RT: 11yo girl set to become Britain’s youngest mother
Published time: 17 Mar, 2017 13:25)

(RT French man on trial for having sex with 11yo ‘not a predator’ because victim ‘not a child’ – lawyers
Published time: 14 Feb, 2018 11:29)

(RT: Sex with 10yo not rape, Finnish court rules in migrant’s case
Published time: 5 May, 2018 11:55) 

(RT: Police with child porn priors ‘lost’ evidence in German pedophilia case, victim’s lawyer tells RT
Published time: 1 Jul, 2019 16:27)


Considering the dark ages/middle ages  (and pre dating times),
where pedophilia was also public and at large scale,
the selling and abuse of children being normal,
kept silent under pressure by authorities; the church, Under their rule
extorted the people maintaining power out of fear.

Read Altar of secrets, sex, politics, and money in the philippine catholic church By Aries C. Rufo
Pedophilia in catholic and protestant churches as well as corruption, silencing child sexual abuse by clerc members.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duderte:

(RT: ‘I thought she was 15’: Accused pedophile priest says ‘the devil’ made him molest a child
Published time: 9 Aug, 2018 18:25)

(RT: Former German priest jailed for 108 counts of child sex abuse
Published time: 23 Feb, 2018 09:14

(RT: French Catholics demand parliament investigate child sex abuse by priests
Published time: 2 Oct, 2018 02:27)

(RT: German Catholic Church abused thousands of children, rape in every 6th case – leaked study
Published time: 12 Sep, 2018 18:06)

(RT: Pope admits abuse & sex slavery of nuns by priests... but insists it’s ‘under control’
Published time: 6 Feb, 2019 03:18)

(RT: Vatican diplomat accused of uploading child porn from Canadian church on Christmas
Published time: 30 Sep, 2017 00:20)

(RT: ‘Systematic cover-up’: Catholic sex abuse probe spreads to 45 STATES
Published time: 18 Dec, 2018 01:58)

(RT: German cardinal angers Twitter by blaming homosexuality for sexual abuse in Catholic Church
Published time: 4 Jan, 2019 19:30)

(RT: 31 charged with child sex abuse offences including rape & trafficking in West Yorkshire
Published time: 16 Aug, 2018 15:00)

(RT: From sex cults to cancer cookbooks: A profile of the most high-profile lifestyle scams
Published time: 23 Apr, 2018 10:49)

(RT: Oops! Texas library apologizes for hiring sex offender to dress in drag & read to kids
Published time: 16 Mar, 2019 07:57)

(RT: Texas deputy accused of ‘disgusting’ abuse of 4yo girl & blackmailing her undocumented mother
Published time: 18 Jun, 2018 16:00)

(RT: Ex-Vatican diplomat sentenced to 5yrs in prison for child pornography
Published time: 23 Jun, 2018 16:15)

Like the article above States: only 5 years in jail, Only 5 years!

(RT: German teen ‘ISIS bride’ sentenced to 6 years in jail - reports
Published time: 18 Feb, 2018 21:28)

(RT: Pope labels child abusing clergy ‘tools of Satan’, calls for ‘all out battle’
Published time: 24 Feb, 2019 12:42)

(RT: Pope Francis promises zero tolerance for pedophile priests after Pennsylvania abuse revelations
Published time: 20 Aug, 2018 19:13)

Pope Francis, The vatican church in general,
makes these statement and does this things under false

(RT: Chile sex abuse letter suggests Pope Francis knew of ‘cover-up’ in 2015
Published time: 6 Feb, 2018 12:30)

(RT: Pennsylvania AG says Vatican helped conceal abuse of over 1,000 children
Published time: 29 Aug, 2018 03:49)

(RT: Vatican covered up sex abuse by 300 ‘predator priests,’ 1000s of victims possible – Penn. grand jury
Published time: 14 Aug, 2018 18:49 -

And these Nato Countries war criminal mass murdering Legitimate Leaders,
Do the same:

(RT: Israeli lawmakers vote against recognizing ISIS’ anti-Yazidi cleansing as genocide
Published time: 22 Nov, 2018 03:16)

Look at the article above and compare this to
the article below:

(RT: Former Yazidi slave girl flees Germany after being confronted by her ISIS captor-turned refugee
Published time: 16 Aug, 2018 10:36)

(RT: Former Yazidi sex slave recalls horror of meeting her ISIS rapist in Germany 
Published time: 19 Aug, 2018 07:41)

You can tell That Europe, US, Nato Countries supporting
countries are prominent pedophile war criminals.


There are proponents and opponents of sex education
to children under age of 10.
Opponents find that the innocence of children must be
safe guarded as not to open up this topic to the young childs

(RT: Gay & trans sex education may be taught to FIVE-YEAR-OLDS in England - report
Published time: 24 Feb, 2019 14:02)

I'm not decisive about being opponent or proponent.
However i'm dead serious that the so called "soft lewdness"
in commercials and magazines etc, and every perverse thing,
is a drugs inducing incentives To children at 5 year age and older,
and serious damaging risk to the development of the child.

Many would disagree and ridicule however these are the facts
and this is reality,
Children sexually active under age of 10,
Children as young as 8 raping other children.
Children at the age of 11 up to adolescence and older destroying development and potential
trough masturbation, perversities, pornography.
Large Pedophilia networks, Authorities Power holders And commercial structures depending on them being an epidemic.

Child Pornography Is accessible on popular porn websites,
children watch this.
So called "Soft core" Pedophile Pornographic material
or whats known as "loli" in japanese anime culture,
Is being watched by adults that teach children in classrooms,
Easily accessible and normalized under a variety of modern youth.

(RT: Millions of porn videos will still be available for child consumption in new UK rules
Published time: 18 Oct, 2018 17:15)

The parents of societies must become aware of this that the mind
of a child at young age is easily affected and sexual active circuitries in the brain enveloped and stimulated having incentives.

Especially non religious parenting families.
So they can take preventive measures.

I think modern age is, not that modern, Still destroying children.

If you don't protect your child against being harmed with perversities, and gets troubled with incentives,
than that is also child sexual abuse in my eyes.

About me: (Link)

News Articles & blog articles Online Portfolio:
400 & 200+ Articles (and counting) from 31 august 2018 - Present

gustimassaquoi -
tobhyas -


Altar of secrets: sex, politics, and money in hte philippine catholic church
- By Aries C. Rufo - Buy here on amazon

Please Let me Go - By Caitlin Spencer - Buy here on amazon

Taoist secrets of love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy - By Man tak chia
- Buy here on amazon Uk

Article's Wikipedia:

Read Soviet Afghan war Wikipedia:

Differentiating Sunni muslims from Shi'a.
Read: Mullah Wikipedia:
Read: Salafi movement, sunni islam:

Rt- Russia Today Articles:
Published time: 13 Mar, 2019 20:04

RT- Video's:
