Congenial Birth Defects, Nato Du And Nuclear Polution, DNA Mod's And Eugenics Genocide.

I read stories about how nuclear polution causes
congenial birth defects, nuclear polution being genotoxic,
I read these when i was 14 years old,
I emerged in the stories becouse, i was often told
autism is being caused of weak genes in the family.
So i was quite furious to figure this out.
Though it is now known and proven mutch autism comes from
vacines, the possible cause also comming from genotoxins
cannot simply be excluded.

Then in march 2011, I heared about The fukushima disaster in japan. I was extremely perplexed to learn they build nuclear reactors on (breuk lijnen waar gevaar van aardbevingen
drijgt), My expectation and belief for the paradigm i had been fed become zero.

I figured, if their so lean and nich to the destruction of mankind, and prevention for any continuity of self sustainance
of all life on earth, Then there is something off.

Consider the fallout from fuskushima (etc) to have spread trough
jet streams all acros the globe in less than 24 hours.
1 milion nuclear particles on a needle, 1 particle can
cause: auto imuum deficenies, cancers, neurologic diseases, genotoxic diseases that spread into ofspring causing child birth
defects, Just 1 particle.

I had the great expectation of no more healthy offspring by 2016, anywhere on the planet.

The reactors floated into the ocean, so did all the inventory of fukushima's nuclear reactors.
Fish swim, milions upon milions of fish and sea mamals stranded
dead upon beaches of the entire west coast of canada, north and south america, (documented by dana dunfort and kevin D blanch)

And as fish swim, so the particle spread in the ocean all around
the globe, now imagine families with children playing at the beaches, swimming in the sea, getting sick.

Now 2019, Many child birth defects go un noticed, probably
becouse (afticle) Doctors lie to the parants tellig them
its the parants fault for what they consume.
I assume, many parents not reporting this out of sorrow, shame
and being un aware of the blame game they are playing.

I think is a define miracle healthy ofspring are still being born, I expect this to permanently change any day now, 2019 Juli.

This chinese company that develops gene editing,
has succesfully modified the genes (embrio) and a healthy
child was born, they say they can alter genes so the ofspring
has a high change of not having diseases sutch as:
auto imuum diseases, chance of developing leukimia, genotoxic related diseases, aids, and other gronic diseases.

Of wich i suspect the gene editing to be able to prevent prety
mutch any diseas, which is a good thing.

Now what if this gene editing is used to
creat a superiority over the less fortunate, targeted people
being mass murdered on the planet right now.
They could create a gene editing that makes the ofspring
highly resistant or imuum to the effects of nuclear polution.
Which would be, for them, efficient in commiting perpetual genocide, as (...) (a openly known mass murderer) openly said in a interview: "its dificult for use to commit genocide"

These mass murdering war criminals are known to lobby with large
firm officials, royals, world leaders, having planned mass murdering the planet, called Bilderberg.

They are satanic beast worshippers, whom go against anything natural and life itself.

Now there is also the aspect of Rna comming from natural enviroment which repeairs and upgrades the natural DNA
In humans, This comes from light codes, however "Man
does not absorb the light code RNA into the blood if the blood is poluted" - DR Phil Valentine

This also plays a important role in maintaining a healthy
energetic field "aura field" Which is a firewall against spiritual attacks, Demons, and mental torment also known
as schizofrenia.

So wheter gene editing can be the perfect solution is something i'am very skeptic about.

Knowing from reports on chernobyl where plants and trees
are now bombs from over absorbing the nuclear particles:
they are very dry and if they catch fire during hot dry
periods like in summer, they emit large clouds of nuclear dust
particle's into the sky, becoming another fallout rain over entire europe.
Thus dificult to clean up and contain, and very expansive.
Then there are also the ocean contaminations
My hopes lie with arteficial gene edited microbes designed
to absorb man made nuclear particles like sponges and
then being eaten by another arteficial gene edited
microbes as to contain it and sink to the bottom of the sea
where it can be scraped from the ocean floor and stored.
But that must be very expansive, i can't imagine any other way
to decontaminate the entire planet.


(RT - Depleted uranium used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq
Published time: 22 Jul, 2013 13:21

"In cities like Basra and Fallujah, where American and British forces used heavy munitions at the start of the war, it is estimated that over half of all babies conceived after the start of the war were born with heart defects."

Is these human looking satanic beast's
they eat and raping our children and they are sucking
the suffering emotions from people,
sucking the blood out of living infants like vampires
they are evil demons that would burn people alive standing
close to them sucking in the screams of misery like satans parasites they are.

(RT: 'Rapid descent into sectarian violence': Video shows Syrian rebel biting into soldier's heart
Published time: 13 May, 2013 22:29

Make up your own fucking mind.