Islam Spread By The Sword

Islam has a history of nothing but slavery and slaughter to Kushite moors, and
islam has nothing to do with the original Kushite Hebrew Israelite moors culture.

Prior to 633 Arabia was much inhabited by Hebrew Israelite moors.
During the Muslim conquest of Persia from 633 to 654
Islam got forced upon moors Hebrew Israelites under the second Khalifa to either convert or
get tortured, enslaved, raped and be executed in the most brutal manners thinkable.
Muslim armies then continued moving across northern kush (Africa) into Morocco.
conquoring berber hebrew isrealites doing the same things, commiting the same astrocities.
a massive genocide against hebrew isrealites.

People that called themselves moors of the morocan empire became divided: Those True hebrew isrealites that refused
to convert and choose death and those that joined forces with the muslims.

And in 1591 the morocan islamic moors
invaded west africa with the help of edamites under the queen elisabeth.
Fez wearing islamic moors (the dirty moors) actualy valunteered to be
part of queen elisabeths army for a entering as a second class citizen and a higher political status
as moors from the morocan empire.
They mass murdered, raped and eslaved the aboriginal kushites, hebrew isrealites.

In 1592 Muslim moors attacked the hebrew isrealites in timbuktu.

The arabs in west kush engaged for nearly a milenium
in the enslavement of the kushites and hebrew isrealites on a grand scale before the europeans even started exporting them.

These Islamic moors (or dirty moors) gave maps towards amexem, showed them how to get there,
build the slave ships to export hebrew islrealite kushites from west kush
to (amexem) america to be slaves. The first ship was actualy named Jesus of Lübeck.

Then in the 1800, they lost their special status over other people from kush
they enslaved, it was renounced by edomite caucasian gentiles or so called whites, and they where gettting enslaved as wel.

Acording to the barbrary treaties that was signed with trust between morocan empire and the united states
and thanks to the D.R.I.P.S international treaty, Aboriginal Moors of northern west amexem
claiming their nationality, still,l hold their sovereign right on their land as a nation.