My Fasting and cleansing experiences

I Fasted several times past 4 years,

When i first cleansed I took herb capsules, I did some colon cleansing,
liver cleansing, for 10 days, the first 3 days eating
for the first time very restricted and little.
I drank allot of thee and eventually breaking fasts with
rice crackers. Then the other 7 days i would eat soup once a day,
Also with some rice crackers.

I remember continues incentives; non stop craving for foods, very intense, I had just quit eating meats and dairy products 3 months ago. 

I repeated the cleanse a few times, juice/liquid fasting for  5 days to 7 days. Repeating this about once a month. I got mutch less fatigued during the days and my food cravings decreased

Then I started getting into intermitted fasting: One meal a day, which got harder
each day after fasting and eating normal again. After 2 to 3 weeks getting used to eating more again Food cravings increase again. 

Having Noticed i ate larger meals Again, I got back to fasting
3-5 days sometimes up to 7 days, Once every 4-8 weeks.

I tried doing the intermitted fasting/Whole day fasting every 7th day of the week.
To me a whole day fast consists of  36 hours, from evening 6pm to morning 12 Am With one day in between.

Intermitted fasting has significant benefits to your health, even as a body builder Eating one meal a day can make you just as strong as meat eaters would or generally speaking people living with different food regiments. Depending on how disciplined you are even stronger, doing the right regiment life style: Vegan Strongman Eats ONE MEAL A DAY! Link:

The body creates proteins and other nutritions of ets own, trough hormesis

You can train your body to use nutritions and proteins more efficient with the same results, based of the proteins and nutritions the body creates of itself eating less calories thus decreasing the nutrition intake from food stuffs.

Improving and stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis:
The Effect of Mitochondrial Density on Athletic Performance

Also A Must Read: A cause of possible genetic problems in mitochondria is revealed

I got into liquid fasting: having only water, lemon and 2 thee spoons of honey, trying to go past 5 days became hard, Eating more than 2 thee spoons of honey To endure, Which Yielded Mutch Reward for me.

This got me honey water fasting for 7 up to 14 days.
Honey water fasting at this stage, when you get used to the fasting regiment, is a very euphoric experience
The increased clarity of mind makes zealous in thinking,
Increase in philosophia and zealous to 
creativity. et's fascinating and euphoric to experience
This made me want to sustain the fast and keep coming  back after ye break th fast.

The first one or tree days of fasting are uphill difficult,
but then after your on top, the cravings decline to complete silence. With allot of prayers, i felt no hunger.
And i feel enough strength to do physical things sutch as
walking and cycling.
Even more amazing is that when not eating, I feel more zealous
to move around and cycle on my bike, when eating
i'd have more "Explosive muscle energy" or "horse strength" but while cleansing and
fasting i perceive to have more zealous stamina and will power
to move though with less explosive energy to do things like sprinting or climbing.

Liquid cleansing with capsules and water/honey fasting I tried this dozen of times perhaps up to 40 times in 4 years time before getting into water only and dry fasting.

My first dry fast was, challenging, i was not afraid but i did
worry about my health, afterall its widely believed a man can't go past 24 hours without water without risking health or even death as result.

My first dry fast was 36 hours of dry fasting, having no water
at all, the last 8 hours where very difficult, I kept receiving
incentives that i need to find water, else i'd die,
which i had never experiences before, et was a emotional process
getting close to how et feels like to be starving from thirst.

All though i would say i know what et feels like to be starving, that's Different from fasting, because fasting is a choice, starving is not.

Im grateful Never having had to go trough that experience of starving.
And my respect for people having to go trough that, prayers and love for them.

My second dry fast of 42 hours was easier, and i did not feel incentives of thirst, at all. Same with the third dry fast of 52 hours.

My fourth dry fast was difficult,
I had not drank water for 100 hours.
Before starting this fast, I did a Fruit/spinach smoothie cleansing for approximately one week.

(See: Kale Salad Recepi: (Coming Soon)

Then a intermitted dry fast of 36 hours, Then after a cup of water with 1 thee spoon of honey in et.
then i fasted for 100 hours, which was for the first 52 hours,
easy, and i felt euphoric and not incentives of thirst or food
cravings, the other 48 hours where though, i didn't get as thirsty however; all the fat on my body got incinerated during autophagy, i did go to the toilet to pee, the body produces about 1 liter of water from fats during wats called ketosis.

My body started acking, and i got hiccup for 2 days, day and night, not getting enough sleep, i could only sleep in the morning. the last 24 hours is started getting puking incentives,
and on the 98th hour i puked what was left in my stomach.
so i had decided to quit at the 100th hour, i wanted to
continue the dry fast, as i read some people being able to
dry fast over 14 days, but they must be rare i assume.

After the 100 hour dry fast, i drank liquids again, without honey, and continued liquid fasting for 152 hours, all together
a fast of 12 days total of 288 hours.

I was relieved to quit the liquid fasting i did, i couldn't continue as i wanted to achieve 14 days of fasting.

I was very, relieved starting with a cup of warm water with honey, then a hour after eating a very small amount of black berries, blue berries, straw berries, with a small cup of thee.

I had very little stamina and strength and i needed atleast 4 days to recuperate strength, eating mostly berries and very few macadamia nuts.

More about benefits of dry fasting:

The amount of autophagy in my body was a great success, i had burned of allot of fat, my awareness become very euphoric marveling at the light and love of things, enjoying my life
looking through the eyes of a child again.
Which is the greatest love for fasting, bringing your eyes back to child like state.

I feel increased endurance, stamina, will power at times after this fast, as my colon had cleansed significantly,
i must say i had not eaten as healthy for a year before this previous fast, and feel better than before.

After four days eating very light made, home made soup.

The amount of ketosis you can have from periodically fasting
and cleansing is incredible. i could have never imagined
so mutch success during my first trials of cleansing and fasting.

I think To really be able to get healthy and clean, and being able to cleanse so thoroughly is make sure all the bad unhealthy
fats in the body get replaced with healthy fats.
Unhealthy cells get replaced with healthy cells during autophagy. The liver and the colon gets cleansed.
mucus gets removed so more nutritions are taking into the blood
stream during digestion, foods being digested stay in the body
less long, the large intestine and endel bowel remove allot
of mucus and toxins even left over foods that remain in there
for weeks creating horrible toxins,
Gets all removed feeling unburden and happier.

Emotions in the cells, yes in cells, get healed, all the stress
and negative emotions in bad cells get removed and replaced
with new healthier cells.
The body creates healthier cells from stam cells that are released during dry fasting and the body is regenerating significantly.
See Also: Healing Water, Healing Cells Trough Sounds:

(Youtube: 432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music

(Youtube: Healing Frequencies of Water, Oxygen & Vitamin C

I remember reading about dry fasting when i did do water fasting, and i thought, wel that is not for me, that's too difficult these people are on another level.
Now i notice dry fasting to be easier than water fasting because of not ingesting anything the body also starts expecting nothing,
even more so,
Water release from burning Healthy fats that have already been processed through the bodies digestion system is very purified, perhaps more pure than the many drinking water you could drink.

"Et's best to alkaline your drinking water, in a glass jar in the sun with a little lemon and cinnamon" - Da13thsun

Thus No exercize and healthy eating wins From Doing Exercize With Unhealthy un natural foods Because Of The craving incentives from unhealthy foods and stress hormones from unhealthy exercizes at the gyms, its better to be very fat from healthy foods
than to be a little fat from unhealthy foods,
because all the toxins in the body and cells can be removed trough autophagy during fasting.

Thus the: exercize to get slim, is boring and doesn't work as efficient as; eat healthy to get healthy fat, then fast healthy,
even if losing muscle, then rebuilding the body trough exercize and healthy eating again.

"If You Eat Right, You Will Be Alright" - Da13thsun

Enjoy your fasting, in loving light.


