Modernization Of Technologies and the dangers they
May bring to societies: 

Robotics, Artificial Nano Fabric chemicals
And 3d Printers.

Portable Military Grade 3D Printers
Used For Printing Arms And Explosive Weaponry
as wel ass munition, Could They pose a treat in societies
if terrorist get their hands on them, We don't want small
armies in europe with an infinite reach on arms, munition
and explosive's.

(RT: Weapons of mass production: US Army making warheads with 3D printing
Published time: 31 Jul, 2014 15:05)

Even Worse So, Knowing that Chemicals and bacterium are
3d printable, As well as synthetic Drugs.


(RT: 3D printing drugs – New technology to revolutionize medical industry
Published time: 22 Aug, 2014 13:51

(RT: Printing pills: FDA approves drugs made using 3D printer
Published time: 4 Aug, 2015 10:22

(RT: Judge blocks release of 3D-printed gun blueprints hours before public launch
Published time: 1 Aug, 2018 15:04

Would They be able to print chemical bombs
or produce bio chemical weapons.

Sounds Far Fetched? I think not, i think in a not far future
children could be building these.

(RT: Man says his 3D-printed railgun can fire bullets at 900 km/h (VIDEO)
Published time: 20 Oct, 2015 17:00

Would this cause even more mass surveillance inside homes?
Yes, I think it will.

(RT: 3D printed ‘bionic eye’ looks likely following breakthrough (VIDEO)
Published time: 29 Aug, 2018 23:25

(RT: World’s 1st 3D-printed heart with ‘cells, blood vessels’ unveiled in Israel (PHOTOS)
Published time: 15 Apr, 2019 14:45

More so, The Modernization Of Robotics and commercial applications of 3d printers overhauling the current economical
structures, Is interesting but also frightening.
Jobs getting lost...

(RT: Ghost of Rembrandt: AI taught to paint like master Dutch artist (VIDEO)
Published time: 6 Apr, 2016 16:45

Same Goes With Artificial Synthetic nano technology,
They are toxic by default.

(RT: 3D printing may be cool – but also toxic, study warns
Published time: 7 Nov, 2015 19:07)

Here are just a few articles about 3D Printing, Nano Technology

Shape-shifting cylinders: Epic optical illusion mystifies the internet (VIDEO)
Published time: 4 Jul, 2016 14:58

(RT: Stretchable computers & soft robots: ‘Liquid metal’ paste paves way for 3D printable gadgets
Published time: 6 Mar, 2018 17:28)

(RT: Chinese company builds 57-story skyscraper in record 19 days (TIME LAPSE)
Published time: 11 Mar, 2015 17:07

(RT: Russian scientists create ‘bio-cement’ for human bones
Published time: 5 Apr, 2015 05:41

(RT: Wi-Fi EYE: Scientists developing 3D-printed eyeballs with filters & camera
Published time: 21 Apr, 2015 17:40

(RT: Humanoid robot gets tired of merciless bullying & pulls GUN on meatbags in (prophetic?) parody VIDEO
Published time: 17 Jun, 2019 00:58 (Hoax Video)

(RT: Self-healing ‘transformer’ drones – future of warfare?
Published time: 7 Jul, 2014 00:44

These Technologies are mostly death boots created to mass murderer,
just not always in a direct manner, Yes they are a incredible asset to the medical world, however only the rich get their hands on this, And The rest is being slaughtered and enslaved. This is the kind of technological advancements that do not serve us spiritually and as to fight the evil authorities.

(RT Australian Dr. Death invents ‘sleek & elegant’ 3D-printed suicide machine
Published time: 6 Dec, 2017 03:03)