Genocide And Eugenics Agenda US Nato Eu War Against Russia

Watch: Nato Nuclear Industry Crimes Against Men For Billion Years
Watch In English: Genocide And Eugenics Agenda Nato Eu US War Against Russia
Watch In Dutch: Genocide En Eugenics Agenda VS Nato Eu Oorlog Tegen Rusland

Dutch & Western Media Lies ABout The Facist Imperialistic War Waging Of
Us & Eu Nato Countries and their current and former war involvement in yemen,
syria, ukraine, iraq, iran, afghanistan and so forth ...

These Fake Royal Families, These Nato Supporting Countries And Their Fascist Officials are guilty of crimes against men.

They've been guilty for Waging Their Mass murdering wars Against the many countries globally for decades committing genocide and causing cruelties among men.

They are in search of putting down a totalitarian fascist system trough
genocide and further maintaining tactical controle over the lives of people
trough eugenics and so on.

This Agenda of theirs
All For THe Purpose of retaining their small fascist sect,
to stay on top,
All To eulogize in Abuse Of Power
To eulogize in continuing and maintaining war for sadistic pleasure
To eulogize in the use of weapons as toys to torture and murder with.
To eulogize in cruel genetic laboratory experimenting on people.
to eulogize in sadistic crimes such as sexual violence towards woman, men
and children.


They Stop For Nothing or No One Unless They Are Stopped.


They hold and maintain their economically irresponsible military industrial complex establishment,
A Mass Producing of weapons and advancement in technological weaponry development.

Advanced Weapons, Lazer weapons, Dia Magnetic Weaponry,
Armamanet of robotics & artificial intelligence, chemical weapons, genetic
experimental bio chemical weaponry, nuclear weaponry,
technological advancements such as the portable 3d printers at urban ground
in short time produce weapons, bombs, mines, hand grenades, firearms.

3d printers that can now really be used for architectural revolution for cheaper house construction.

Technological developments that are not being applied for bringing solutions to people in conflict countries, bringing remedy for their basic needs and establishing safty and freedoms.

Nonetheless, cellular telephone masts are placed, these,
4g 5g networks, Are Really psychotronic weapons, That are used to Cause
Controllable Artificially induced schizophrenia
among other mental and physical attacks that they produce.

These Fascist Monsters use these on all citizens who are not affiliated and subscripted with their Genocide and eugenics agenda.
The Much Unsuspecting citizen is being tortured And Demonized.

These Pro Nato Fascist World Leaders Provocateur towards civil War
and are there on continuing towards tighter surveillance and other
freedom depriving measures to punish societies in ets entirety.


The Us and Eu Pro Nato Supportive Countries upkeep the dollar,
by oil trades in dollars trough extortions.

Gaddafi, Who had critique on the US and UN, Wanted To strengthen
The Gold And Silver National Reserves for the protection of their
national currency and promotion of gold backed currency for oil trade
away from US Dollar, weakening The USD, To Punish The Us and Nato Supporting countries For Their Fascist War Crimes And Acts Of Extortions, Protecting Opposing Countries.
In Return US & EU Nato Supporting Countries Started Conflict, Propaganda Campaign
Against Gaddafi, Again Causing War.

US and EU Nato Supporting Countries
Starts Conflicts in other countries and delivers weapons to both sides,
Arms Deals Ranging From Ten to hundreds of billions of dollars and euros in arms trade.

Being Used By Terrorists, Mercenaries & Countries Like Israel, Saudi
For Beastly Wars That Are Held Kept going,
like the war in yemen, ....
US and eu nato supporting countries
Do Their Weapon Arms Trade With Saudi And Keep The War Ongoing.
.. Despite The Famine That Prevails, 14 million people who suffering
in shockingly horrid situations.

They Refuse to stop the arms trade nor raise sanctions to stop the war in yemen.
While Being Involved In Syria, Having Invaded them,
Not being interested in intervention in yemen,
But Instead,
Having Been Unrestrained In Their Use Of Depleted Uranium Munition and rockets,
Raining Down Their Nuclear Weapons, In Their War Involvements With Syria.
Their Use Of Nuclear Weapons As Having Been Used in Former Wars in Iraw, Iran
Afghanistan, The Gulf Wars And More.

In Turn Their Weapon Sales Get Resold, Getting In The Hands Of Terrorist and mercenaries, leading to more conflicts, corruption, war, hatred And Aggression towards the populus of the west.
Bringing Danger To The National And International Security OF Countries To
The West And The Rest Of The World.

Like How The Netherlands Calls Their Defense Forces: "Defensive Krijg Macht"
They are Primarily Aimed Towards The defending Of the nations National intrest of their people.
They Are A Slaughtering And Raping Genocide War Machine.

They have and Maintain Exploitation, oppression, genocide, to the ethnic and indigenous peoples of nations internationaly.

The US and Eu Nato Supporting Countries preserve a billions of national Debt,
With No Gold Or Silver To Back Up Their Currencies Value.

Yet Produce Billions of Arms Trade
Still Waste A 100 Billion On Sanctions Against Russia That really yielded
nothing, while the russian federation paid off their national debt
including the formor soviet russian debt.
While Also Out Performing On Every Geo Political Level Towards The Other Countries.

The US and Nato Countries Maintain A Defacto Legal Tyrany System
Designed To enslave, Using And embezzle Birth Sertificate Debt Obligations,
Asuming Away legal Capacity To use The Law Of The Land And Such
Deprivations To Use Courts To Obtain Equity.


They Allow An Influx of migrants into europe, a disaster for europes

How European Woman Had Allot Of elevation and respect, compared to the rest of the world.
Now In Recent Years An Insane Rise In Rape And Sexual Violance has taken place against woman and children.


The Refugee influx checks did not help,
the borders between countries in europe Being Hardly Checked
And Free To Cross.

Many Young People Who Enter Europe As Refugees are war criminals,
Human Traficers, Kidnapping of young adults and children within
a pedophile Ring Of human traficers.
Many Of Them, Terrorist, isis Fighters.

A Shocking Example:
(RT Article)

In August, a young teenage woman Aschwaq was confronted with the fact that isis slave merchants reside in eruope as refugees,
when she met her former kidnapper in germany.

At The Border Sides Of Europe Trainings Are Even Being Given
as to help Any people cross the border as refugees.
Besides this, Fake ID's, Passports and driving license are easy to obtain.


The Anti Yazdi's Purification By Isis is not even recognized by isreali lawmakers
as genocide.

Yazdi's families who have been separated by iss, murdered their husbands their sons brainwashed and used for suicide attacks and kidnappings of woman and children.

Iss meant to keep them as sex slaves and train the ofspring for current and future

Many Yazdi's are still in the hands of isis
women and children as young as 5 are still held as slaves
they are tortured, raped and sold by ISS.

Yet This Is not being recognized as a genocide by israeli lawmakers and un is laying down no sanctions.

They Did Nothing To prevent This.


The Us And Eu Nato Supporting Countries HAVE Used Many Nuclear Weapons,
Depleted Uranium Ammunition and missiles.

When Used, Radioactive substance particles gets released and cause permanent
poisoning to The people, Especially young ones, children and unborn babies.

This Causes Horrible Diseases, grave Birth Defects, Cancers, Auto Imum Deficiencies illnesses. These Particles are released trough the use of these Du
Munition Nuclear Weapons and are spread into airspace unto even 400 km radius.

The Depleted Uranium Munition, Nuclear Wapens have been widely used despite warnings and promises not to use Them at all.

The Consequences are clear, They are severe,
And Over The Years Will Become More Clear To A greater extend.
And Are For Every Generation Severe For Some More
For Some Less Than More Severe,
For Every Generation Now And In The Future Permanent.

This,... Without the Artificial intervention of technology that still needs
further development like gene editing.
Where there lies remain the question whether this can actually bring any remedy.

These Man Made Radioactive Nuclear particles Remain millions if not billions of years, being mass destructive towards the propagation of healthy genes in natural reproduction, casing unnatural deviation mutations in the genes of men, animal
fauna and flora.

The Genetic Defects lead to mental and physical incompetence of individuals,
pain and discomfort that is not always medically measurable,
Thus not always recognized...

Whats Recognized Early is the damage to the x and y genome to be frequent in occurrence, causing hermafrody where the reprocusional organs have severe deviations, in many cases, infertility.
These Birth Defects Are Mutch Occurring after nuclear fallout.


This Irreparable and irrevocable perpetual form of genocide
is still being maintained by US And Eu nato supportive countries.
Countries That Use Du Munition, Nuclear Weapons.

Countries That use nuclear powerplants, and hold waste storage facilities
Causing international treats extinction level.

The Unavoidable amounts of man made nuclear particle dust that
is release upon ventilation of the nuclear power stations and waste storage
The Imminent Treat Of Explosion of these power stations and waste storage facilities By Missiles in war zones.

The imminent Danger of meltdowns, Melt Troughs  of Nuclear Power plants and waste storage facilities on risky earthquake locations, having being build there despite the awareness of these threats.

Makes the use of the atomic energy totally And Completely unacceptable.
Has Always been Completely and totally unacceptable.
The Continuation Being Abominable And Completely Unacceptable.

There are no excuses for the use of nuclear industry,
Not In The guise generating enough energy,
neither in the guise of being financially economically viable.

These Excuses for the use of nuclear energy are huge spun lies,
the patents for fundamentally clean, adequate energy generation are there
the technology has been ready for Establishment and use for years.
But Being Thwarted By The nuclear Cartels, the nato supporting countries,
in guise of geo stabilization, process towards preventing war escalations
between US nato supporting countries and russian federation and their supporting countries.

atom radioactive particles, Poison That gets Absorbed In Fauna and Flora.
entire forest, if a forest as such catches fire
then is like an atomic bomb the power of a few nuclear power plants.
Take Forest environment around Chernobyl as an example.
Sacrophagus must be renewed every so often,
nuclear waste can not just be shot into space
if an accident happens, it spreads and rains internationally via "jet stream" high air flows in less than 24 hours.

Nuclear PowerPlants And The Processing use of nuclear material
only exist for the pursuit of nuclear weapon development and their genocide
eugenics agenda.
These Nuclear Powerplants and waste storage facilities have always had to vent and
and trough this ventilating leaking radioactive particles.
Information Being Withheld From General Public.
Nuclear Is Not Safe.

The Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Storage Facilities are bombs,
the nuclear waste, a main ingredient for their nuclear weapons then becoming
even more fortified. The Splitting of the particles become more unstable and dangerous.

as an example
Mox Fuel a rado active waste taken from outdated nuclear war heads
is taken and put into another chain reaction in illegal nuclear powerplant reactors.
Such Nuclear Reactors Are Covertly Being Used Under Governments Watch,
Fukushima Per Example where the nuclear core reactors where swept down by the japan tsunami of 2011 not knowing whether these core reactors where swept out land inward or ocean inward, as these cores where missing after the tsunami disaster.
The Fuel however all hammered into the ocean, causing complete annihilation of marina line of the great pacific ocean all the way up to the east american coast from up alaska down to chile south america being contaminated.

Medical facilities Such As Hospitals and their main official authorities,
universities, reject by means of extortion to provide correct information
explaining the radiology and lie scandalously with fake statutory statements
that are being corruptly funded by the millions.

Often With the core explanations that artificial man made radioactive particles
are as harmless as natural radioactive particles.
They Commit Crimes Against Man, They are committing themselves genocide.
These Are Criminals in the scientific and medical world, the university teachers
all work on theses lies.

Missiles That Brought Waste Storage Facilities To Explode, in ukraine,
and other areas within war countries.
The Imminent Treat That this repeats,

The Dust Clouds That Follow From This and Fallout that scatters across
entire continents in days or just a few hours.
Something mainstream media outlets don't cover.
however the these imminent treats remain, they are, really, gigantic atomic bombs,
Spreading Fallout Trough Global Airspace.
A understatement.


The Assurance of nuclear arsenals, nuclear missiles,
was only for the intent of keeping a assurance of international balance of powers.

An International Agreement, Preventing War Escalation between the Us and society union.
Agreements that nuclear weapons will not be used.

The US accused Russia OF Building More Nuclear Weapons To Their Arsenal
While Nato US Used Nuclear Weapons Du Munition in wars like the gulf wars,
Promised not to use them again, having been warned, yet using them anyway.

Like Their Many Other Filthy Such as The Droning Of Innocent Civilians
Of Many Countries Such as pakistan under Obama Us Presidency

The agreements of ceasing construction of nuclear missiles,
is no longer being kept by The US Under the Donald Trump Presidency.

Trump Proclaimed Allegations towards russia that they stept out of the agreement
building more nuclear missiles, therefore Trump has ordered The Building of more Nuclear missiles themselves, With Aggressive War Language being used,
such as wanting always remain and maintain the largest military power on the planet.

The International Agreements to never use nuclear weapons has never been signed by the us.


Nato Has Defensive Missile launching systems which can easily be modified to be offensive nuclear missile systems, they placed them on the borders of russia.

The New Cold War that's being continued By D. Trump US President,
Their Provocative Aggression Towards Russia and russian supporters
is getting More increasing tension.


French Politician Macron and German Politician merkel
want a new european army disconnected from the nato eu defensive agreements,
which eu has been relying on or so they say.

Maintaining The Same Provocative Anti Russian attitude.
Maintaining The Same Tax Money Spending Attitude Towards Eu Nations Citizens.
Despite the years of economic and financial recession.
After Billions of spendings on military making of weapons for further arsenal building and billion euros weapon arms trade.


The Rise Of Neo Nazi Swine In Europe That Use Violence
Against Woman
Against Anti European Fascist Leaders
Against Pro Russians
Is Being withheld by eu US nato supporting countries
And Their Fascist Officials if not, then being addressed as far right or
nazi symposium.

Their Unwanted Engagement in ukraine, placing the poroshenko regime,
a far right party of nazi pigs.
The War Violence perpetrated towards roma pro russian people
setting up indoctrination camps for ukraine's where propaganda gainst pro russians
is taught to children, war language and violence against pro russians,
ukraine far right nazi's their many crimes they commit. trespassing into homes of roma civilians pro russians, rape, torture and kill them by thousands.
and street violence.

Ignored by western media and their fascist leaders, unheard for majority of the western people.

Ukrainian nazis and war in ukraine that only since a weeks ago has been acknowledged by the atlantic council adn the west,... as neo nazi sympatists...

The War Is Known In The West, They Let It Happen.
They Would Raise Sanctions Against Ukraine and Their Fascist Regime.

Russia Wants To Intervene, Is Intervening. Pro Nato EU And US IS Thwarting
and cause conflict in ukraine, they rais sanctions against russia and supporting countries.
Instead of far right nazi swine under the poroshenko regime.


The Insane Crimes, Wars, Genocides Being Committed.
By Nato and supporting countries.

Russia and its supporting countries are truly the Head
Towards International Interventions towards peace and stability
By Means Of Diplomatic Geo Political Strategies That
They Have Demonstrated In Recent Years.
Their Military Power And Diplomatic Genius.
They are Internationally recognized as the hope of international
reforms that hopefully may lead to international stability.


Scientist are not carefully in their approach to fast research and development
of all kinds of new technologies, They Hurry Towards The Development And
Deployment, what leads up to the question of whether these technological
advancement are set up funded among other things from government grants,
under false pretences.

Preventing the technologies from being used for even more evil purposes,
may not be easy,

The Robotics and artificial intelligence that will take away many job opportunities for low and mid class citizens of the nations globally.
Low Class citizens have been for decades been pressure towards being homeless.
THis Financial Pressure and taking away of opportunities.
Is Part Of A mass murdering agenda.

Gene editing That Can Prevent Chronic Illnesses by gene altering embryo's
preventing diseases such as aids, cancer, auto immune diseases,
genetic deviation mutations which are often caused by nuclear pollutants from
nuclear weapons, and nuclear incidents From Powerplants an waste storage leaks.

Which THey Call Nuclear Accidents, but they are way beyond the probable threshold
for them not to be liable and to be seen as accidents.
They are nuclear Incidents, That Coincidence Didn't Happen Earlier, as The establishment Of these Probable Incidents where done on purpose for the pursuit of money, nuclear weapons, and genocide eugenics agenda.

Its all on purpose, They wil use these medical life saving methods like gene editing as a tool of power.
The Pursuit of totalitarian geo fascist governance
where a small sect who places themselves above man asa kind of super beings.
And Choice To Decide Who lives in wealth , who should maintain healthy lives who not, who has to endure with horrid chronic illnesses in poverty, or when they have to die and how.


The Meida, The So called civil Servants who serve these fascist criminals, Governments body personnel, politicians, diplomates, university teachers, scientists, and students who decide to maintain their authoritative appointment, they are liable to works of genocide by these war mongering fascist pigs.
Many Of Them Intentionally Cooperate.

Manny Of Them Who Work at important Top Functions For Corporations And governance
have frequently been caught being pedophiles.
caught holding child pornography.
Caught having committed child secual abuse.
In Many Cases Being Withheld From General Public, And Protected by immunity against
trial, Just to Name one: Joris Demink.
Child Sexual Abuse by the catholic church that is not dealth with yet because of the vatican in guise of them being granted immunity from being put on trial and imprisoned and/or put to death.
An International pedophile network that's really being kept in place by them as a power tool as to reward these insane criminals and as to silence them by the many.
