zondag 1 april 2018

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, 
origin and culture is like a tree without roots"
- Marcus Garvey

"History is a people's memory, and without a memory, man is demoted to the lower animals."
- Malcolm X

The horrid cruelty and crimes committed against man and the denial, twisting and hiding of these historical facts has affected a multitude of great people and their nations, this has cut off their connection to their ancestry & the divine, both spiritually and mentally, creating a great loss of conscious, that would generally result in a lack of morals in individuals which leads to rising of lawlessness and chaos within each nation.

Like the Kushite's, Moabites of amexem, Moors of the Great Moroccan empire and other aboriginals of adjacent nations of the world.
Man who have been subjected to great injustice such as the murder and rape of their ancestors and the acts of genocide by systematically denying their social and cultural heritage.

Much of the crimes committed against man are not majorly reported by large media outlets.

Even though many stories of crimes against man are run by large media outlets may seem to suffice as top news,
Reality still remains that a large number of factual stories are not presented, discussed and even withheld from the public.

Here are a few factual stories that have de(hu)monized man across the nations of the earth.

A summary of monstrosities & great injustice:

Slavery and slaughter of the Kushites I:

1) Genocide and Atrocities committed by Belgian colonist lead by Belgian King Leopold II
One of the worst war criminals in history who is responsible for the enslavement, rape, and slaughter of the Kushite aboriginal inhabitants of the now called Congo....
A history kept withheld from the public. widespread believed that moors of Spain were Muslims of Arabic descent. while this was in fact, not true...

3) Islam Spread By The Sword
Islam has a history of nothing but slavery and slaughter to the...

4) Islamic religion founded upon slavery, child pedophilia and child sacrifice
Islam is a religion of confusion with controversial commands in the Koran but ultimately founded upon evil filth.Started by a pedophile named Mohamed which formed the death cult which has been spread by the sword across the nations, and today still is...

Other Latest Blogs:


1) Genocide And Eugenics Agenda US Nato Eu War Against Russia
Also In Dutch Language: Genocide En Eugenics Agenda VS Nato Eu Oorlog Tegen Rusland

2)Children Sexually active under the age of 10, child sexual abuse, pedophilia

3) Modern warfare On urban ground in europe, Deadly 5G Networks
4) Modernization Of Technologies and the dangers they May bring to societies

5) Yemen Genocide, US Nato Supporting countries Uk, Saudi, Horrid Warcrimes, No World Remedies In Sight.